Gratis WorldStats Statistieken voor BASS64's homepage hi welcome on the page of cd write.

you can see here the games that you can copy, witch not and how some can be copy.

if you see a game that can be copy, please tell how it can be copy? or if you know a game that can be copy or not?

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game can it be copy  
carmageddon & splat pack yes verry easy, just pasta copy
commando no
there about 5 files that say that they are about
650 KB but is you copy there is standing 650 MB

(you can also hack it but how i don't know)

diablo yes verry easy, just pasta copy
duke nukem 3D yes verry easy, just pasta copy
quake II yes verry easy, just pasta copy
red alert the aftermath no why i don't know.
total annihilation yes verry easy, just pasta copy
windows 95 yes verry easy, just pasta copy
windows 98 update yes verry easy, just pasta copy
worms2   but you must look at the first copy if you missing some

files where missing ( it's was already be copy) but they are still standing on the orginal cd

dune2000 yes verry easy just pasta copy
unreal yes verry easy just pasta copy
larry 7 yes verry easy just pasta copy
final fantasy VII yes the same just pasta copy
the need for speed III no it can be copy and install but the game is not working
shadow warrior yes just pasta and copy
carmageddon II no it can be copy but it will keep asking for de cd-rom
game can it be copy  
formula 1 '97 no it just don't working why i do not know
windows 98 full yes just pasta copy
windows 98 plus yes just pasta copy
norton anti-virus 4.0 yes just pasta copy
CD foongids (dutch) yes just pasta copy
resident evil (pc) yes just pasta copy
tomb raider III yes it can be copy but how i don't know because the cd-rom that i have, is already be copyed.

update on woensdag 04 november 1998

haha!!! you can't play midi's